Things you should know about Diamonds

Arpee Jewellery
3 min readApr 13, 2023


Diamonds are prized by numerous communities due to their singular beauty and durability, as well as their powerful cosmic properties. Diamonds are associated with spiritual benefit, self-confidence, positivity, and willpower. Diamonds are also associated with purity. Presently, how about we jump profound into the points of interest of this gemstone and why it is quite possibly the most adored one out there?

What are Diamonds?

Diamonds are gems made of carbon and are thought to be among the hardest natural materials on Earth. With a Mohs scale rating of 10, diamonds are very challenging to scratch or chip, which makes them ideal for wear in rings and other gems. They are likewise shimmering, which makes them outwardly engaging. Diamonds are valuable because of their rarity. Despite the fact that diamonds are frequently associated with opulence and wealth, their hardness makes them useful in numerous other fields.

What to keep in mind while purchasing Diamonds?

You need to keep an eye out for the so-called “4 Cs” when looking for the ideal diamond. Color, clarity, cut, and carat weight are the most important aspects to take into account when selecting a diamond. While each of these features is significant on its own, when taken together, they reveal a diamond’s true worth. Diamonds with fewer flaws or inclusions, larger sizes, rarity, and higher carat weights are the most valuable.

What is a diamond’s color and what grades do they have?

The shade of a still is up in the air by the presence of minor components in the stone, and it can go from dull to yellow, brown, or even dark. On a scale from D (no color) to Z (a yellowish or brownish color), diamonds are graded. Although colorless diamonds are the most common, there are numerous color variants available in diamonds. It is possible to acquire fancy-color diamonds, which are available in a diverse range of hues. With regards to figuring out the worth of such precious stones; The most valuable and sought-after diamonds are colorless diamonds, closely followed by those with a slight yellow or brown tint. The rarest and most expensive diamonds, on the other hand, are those with intense or vivid colors like red, blue, green, or pink.

Different Cuts of Diamonds

Diamonds were historically the hardest stones for jewelers to cut because of their hardness. Diamond cuts today are very different from what they were in the past because of modern technology. One example is the French cut, which is one of the earliest types of diamond cuts and has a deeper culet than the brilliant cut, which is still popular today. Due to its round shape and specific proportions that enhance a diamond’s sparkle, the brilliant cut is preferred. The rose cut, a type of cabochon cut with facets running along its top and a flat bottom, is another ancient cut. The most widely used cuts in jewelry today are still the rose and brilliant. Using laser cutting and hole-making machines, we can now easily make diamond briolettes and slices thanks to technology. In his one-of-a-kind designs, Gurhan makes use of all of these diamond cuts.

How Should Diamonds Be Handled?

Although diamonds are strong, they still need to be treated with care, and this includes how they should be cleaned. Jewels are best cleaned with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Make certain to flush the precious stone well to eliminate any lathery buildup. The setting can be cleaned of dirt with a gentle toothbrush. Diamonds should be stored separately from other jewelry in a cool, dry location to avoid scratching them. Diamonds should also be kept away from household chemicals like bleach. At least once a year, a jeweler should inspect the settings and professionally clean your diamond jewelry to keep it looking its best.

